воскресенье, 4 сентября 2016 г.

The article "How to choose the right baby crib."
It's time to you to buy a cot. .
The choice is huge, a lot of options, but to buy a crib yet
necessary, despite all the difficulties. So to choose the same kak
cot? How not to get lost in the abundance of products offered?

Currently, stores offer a huge selection of children
cots - this is a classic example of different functionality,
carrycots fashion accessories. You choose,
but it must be remembered that the first time, a cot is
the only refuge of the child and it must satisfy all his

Consider the main points that you should consider when choosing
cot. Pay attention to the bottom of the crib - for good
ventilation of the mattress, it should be rack. To a child accidentally
not stuck between the back runners beds, distance between them must be
be not more than 6 centimeters. In most models of cribs, there
the ability to adjust the height of the bottom. When the baby is still small, for
convenience, care for it, the bottom should be raised. When a child
starts to crawl and stand, with a view to safety, the bottom must be

In deciding what to choose cot remember very
handy if one of the walls can be lowered, and it is desirable to silently
so as not to wake the sleeping child. This facilitates the mother care
child. And the second point. If you completely remove the side wall, and
move up to the parent's bed crib, the mother is not necessary
rise at night to feed the baby. Suffice it to move
itself, and after feeding - put back.

Very popular crib with sliding
drawers. In these boxes, you can keep children's clothes, bedding and
Kids toys. When choosing a bed, pay attention to the fact
that box was higher off the floor, and had a chance to clean under the bed.
The disadvantage of these cribs have the complexity of its transposition in the case of

Particular attention should be paid to the safety of the structure
cots. Cot should be with or without rounded corners
protruding parts that the child can break off.
Some beds have a lock to secure the crib wall. Check out
reliability of the fact that the child is unable to open it. Top
strap should be with silicone pads, as the child during
teething and will chew on it can hurt yourself. Between
crib mattress and the wall should not be gaps, to hands and feet
baby do not accidentally get stuck in them.
When choosing a baby crib, special attention is paid to the materials,
from which it is made. In the world, it is considered the best material
natural wood. Natural wood is harmless to the child. Tree
easy to clean, and you can without much difficulty to keep the crib
clean. Note that some models may contain items
from high-impact polystyrene or plastic, as long as they were not
too much. Skipped by purchasing needed in the Seller
visnovok hygienic or certificate of conformity. Such
certificates indicate what materials made bed and
whether it is harmful to the child.